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HopeWorks’ Annual Candlelight Vigil

October 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Please join HopeWorks as we remember those lost to domestic violence and envision new ways to create a world without gender-based violence.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

This year’s theme, Community Healing and Restoration, reminds us that it takes the love and support of an entire community to heal and it will take all of us to unify as a community to end violence.

Featured Speakers and Poets include survivors of intimate partner violence, community leaders, family members, and friends.

Poet performances made possible by the Howard County Arts Council through a grant from Howard County Government.

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Online Event


Sandra Price

24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline: (410) 997-2272



9770 Patuxent Woods Dr., Suite 300

Columbia, MD, 21046

(410) 997-0304