CALL 24-Hour Helpline: (410) 997-2272

Mission, Vision, Values

At HopeWorks our mission is to support and advocate for people in Howard County affected by sexual and intimate partner violence and to engage the community in creating the change required for violence prevention.

We are a community of interconnected people actively working towards a society where everyone is safe, valued and reaches their full potential. We hold these values as guideposts for our work.


We affirm the worth and dignity of every person in our diverse community and we meet each person with respect and compassion.


We affirm each person’s right to name and live free from physical, psychological, emotional, and economic violence and other threats to


We affirm each person’s right and capacity to make choices and decisions about their own lives.


We believe that widespread change of social norms requires participation of individuals in all their complexity, family, friends, and neighbors as well as engagement of civic life and social services.

Social Change

We acknowledge that creating the community we want requires long-term strategies that will address the root causes of sexual and intimate partner violence and alter the systems and balances of power that maintain the status quo.

Social Justice

We acknowledge that ending sexual and intimate partner violence requires structural change. Social justice makes room for change to come from those communities that are most affected by social inequity.

24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline: (410) 997-2272



9770 Patuxent Woods Dr., Suite 300

Columbia, MD, 21046

(410) 997-0304