CALL 24-Hour Helpline: (410) 997-2272


Domestic Violence Brochures/Folletos sobre la Violencia Doméstica

Immigrant Specific Resources

Sexual and domestic violence are against the law regardless of your immigration status. Call our 24-Hour Helpline at (410) 997-2272 for local resources that can help.

HopeWorks recognizes that survivors who are immigrants face bias, discrimination and sometimes violence when they try to access support and resources.  We believe that everyone who needs our services deserves our compassion and respect and we will work to advocate with other systems and service providers on our clients’ behalf.

We also value partner agencies who provide specialized services to foreign-born survivors.

Abuse and Immigrants

Read more about the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in the United States.


The Women’s Law Center – Multi-Ethnic Domestic Violence Project

The Multi-Ethnic Domestic Violence Project (MEDOVI) provides pro bono immigration legal services to Maryland residents who are foreign-born victims of domestic violence, human sex trafficking, intimate partner stalking or sexual assault.

FIRN – Foreign Born Information and Referral Network (Columbia and Laurel)

The Foreign-born Information and Referral Network Inc. (FIRN) is a nonprofit organization that empowers immigrants, refugees, asylees, and other foreign-born individuals by helping them access community resources and opportunities. FIRN Provides legal assistance with Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions.

LGBTQ Specific Resources

HopeWorks recognizes that LGBTQ people face bias, discrimination, and sometimes violence when they try to access support and resources.  We believe that everyone who needs our services deserves our compassion and respect and we will work to advocate with other systems and service providers on our clients’ behalf.

We also value partner agencies who provide specialized services to LGBTQ survivors.



The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs

AVP provides free and confidential assistance to thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected (LGBTQH) people each year from all five boroughs of New York City through direct client services and community organizing and public advocacy.

GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project

The Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project is a grassroots, non-profit organization founded by a gay male survivor of domestic violence and developed through the strength, contributions and participation of the community.

Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of Abuse

Northwest Network works to end violence and abuse by building loving and equitable relationships in communities and across the country.

CUAV (Community United Against Violence)

CUAV works to build the power of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities to transform violence and oppression.

The Network/La Red

The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous and queer communities.

Teen Specific Resources

As any parent knows, it can be difficult to communicate with your teen, especially when it comes to a sensitive topic like dating violence. Perhaps you’re not quite sure what to say, or maybe your teen doesn’t seem to want to talk about it.

Whatever stage you and your teen are going through in discussing and learning about dating violence – whether you want to teach them about healthy relationships for the future, or you’re concerned with a relationship they are currently in and want to give them advice – there are plenty of helpful resources.



A project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Break the Cycle, loveisrespect is the ultimate resource for advice and info on healthy dating. Its mission is to empower youth and young adults to prevent and end abusive relationships. Peer advocates can be reached 24/7 via phone, online chat, or text (“loveis” to 22522).

That’s Not Cool

“Where do you draw your digital line?” Teens can learn about dating abuse and online safety through videos, games, and downloads they can share with friends.

Break the Cycle

Break the Cycle inspires and supports young people 12 to 24 to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.

Boys Town

Boys Town works to reunite children with their families when possible, or give them the skills and foundation needed to build a life on their own. They strive to help every child, “from those who may simply be struggling or in doubt to those who are in need of the most severe behavioral care.”

National Runaway Safeline

If you’re thinking about leaving home, or you have and are seeking information and help, the Safeline is one of the top resources for runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth and their families.

Trevor Project

Trevor Project is the national crisis lifeline for LGBTQ teens and adults. They have suicide prevention services for youth in digital spaces, counseling via IM, and a large online social network for LGBTQ people.


In addition to information about healthy and unhealthy relationships, TeenWire has resources about everything from body image to sexual health. (currently being redesigned)

Northwest Network

Northwest is a network founded by and for LGBTQ survivors, focused on safety, support and empowerment.

A Thin Line

A Thin Line is an MTV campaign created to empower teens to identify, respond to, and stop the spread of digital abuse.


Break the Silence: Stop the Violence

In “Break The Silence: Stop the Violence,” parents talk with teens about developing healthy, respectful relationships before they start dating.

Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention

This 60-minute, interactive training is designed to help educators, youth-serving organizations and others working with teens understand the risk factors and warning signs associated with teen dating violence.

Tech Safety

Survivors’ Guide to the Cloud (English; Spanish)

This resource is for survivors and advocates to better understand privacy and safety risks and tools of “Cloud” connected phones, apps, and accounts.

Survivors’ Guide to Email (English*; Spanish)

This handout explains how the risks of email can be misused against survivors, and offers tips for increasing privacy and safety.

Survivor’s Guide to Smart Home Technology (English; Spanish)

This resource is written for survivors who want to understand how smart home IoT technology might be used against them, and to explore options for increasing privacy and safety.

Tools for Safer Browsing (English; Spanish)

This handout explains options beyond browser privacy settings that survivors can take, and that victim service providers can discuss with survivors as options in the course of privacy planning, regarding Internet browsing. The intended audience is survivors and victim service providers.

Survivor Safety and Connected Cars (English*; Spanish*)

This handout describes ways that Internet-connected features in cars can be misused in abuse and/or stalking situations, and offers tips for increasing privacy and safety. The intended audience is victim service providers and survivors.

A Survivor’s Guide to Cameras (English; Spanish)

This resource explains the potential uses and misuses of surveillance cameras for survivors of gender-based violence, and offers tips for increasing privacy and safety.

Abuse Intervention Programming

Springboard Community Services offers an Abuse Intervention Program for both voluntary and court-ordered clients. If you are seeking assistance, please reach out to Springboard at

24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline: (410) 997-2272



9770 Patuxent Woods Dr., Suite 300

Columbia, MD, 21046

(410) 997-0304