Tag Archives: teen dating violence awareness month

Crafting Healthy Relationships: Zine Making for TDVAM


All teens (13-18 years old) are welcome to join HopeWorks’ Youth Leaders for a Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Event!

HopeWorks’ Youth Leadership Project is hosting a Zine workshop to help their peers reflect and explore healthy relationships, love, and dating.

Dating violence is more common than people think, especially among teens and young adults: one in three teens in the US will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before they become adults, and nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent or abusive dating behaviors. This TDVAM, join HopeWorks’ Youth Leaders as they reflect upon the elements of the many relationships that surround us.


Click Here to Register!

24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline: (410) 997-2272



9770 Patuxent Woods Dr., Suite 300

Columbia, MD, 21046

(410) 997-0304
