Workshops for Adults

Generally, workshops are 60 minutes long, plus an additional 30 minutes to include Q&A and a brief overview of HopeWorks’ services. Workshops are intended for audiences of no fewer than 8 and no more than 30. Browse our topics below. (Note: “PP” indicates PowerPoint is used as part of the program.)

HopeWorks in the Community

A 90-minute presentation outlining the mission, vision, and services of HopeWorks of Howard County. At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to articulate the mission of HopeWorks, identify the six service areas of the agency, and engage in a discussion about five important facts related to the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence. (PP)

First Steps: An Introduction to IPV and SV

This introduction explores the dynamics of sexual and intimate partner violence, understanding the scope of prevention work, and an overview of services and programs at HopeWorks. (PP)

Recognizing Love and Building Healthy Relationships

This workshop combines an introduction to recognizing unhealthy relationships with ways to build healthy ones. Interactive scenarios are included to learn how to tell the difference. (PP)

Dating Abuse: Tools for Talking with Teens

Explore the dynamics of dating abuse and how to start conversations with teens. In this interactive program, participants will learn how to identify abuse in teen relationships and gain skills and strategies to intervene in an abusive situation. (PP)

Beyond Active Bystanders: Stopping Violence before It Starts

Participants in this foundational workshop will learn about primary prevention – what it is and what current prevention efforts look like. The program includes an exploration of cultural norms and differentiates between risk reduction and primary prevention. Participants will develop the awareness and capacity to serve as agents of change in their communities.

Yes Means Yes: Creating a Culture of Consent

Current and popular understandings of consent are gravely limited. Participants in this program will expand their understanding of consent by exploring its elements: capacity, action, and relationship. This workshop will define “affirmative consent” and participants will develop skills necessary for healthy communication, healthy relationships, and navigating consent while under the influence. (PP)

Out of the Box: Understanding Gender to End Violence

In this interactive workshop, participants will explore gender stereotypes and the ways in which our beliefs about gender shape societal expectations of boys and girls, men and women. Goals include understanding how gender beliefs and expectations are connected to power, control, and violence. We recommend using this program as a primer for workshops related to building healthy relationships and understanding/recognizing abuse.

*Additional gender-focused workshops are available for those looking to deepen their knowledge in this area.

Recognizing Human Trafficking

It is estimated that 4.5 million people are forced to participate in the commercial sex industry worldwide. However, sensationalized awareness campaigns and gross media representation often prevent us from identifying and supporting survivors of trafficking domestically and locally. This workshop defines modern-day human trafficking with an overview of trafficking in Maryland and Howard County. Participants will learn how to identify potential trafficking sites and victims as well as risk factors that increase vulnerability. Additionally, participants will make connections between forced sexual exploitation, IPV, and SV. (PP)

Contact us to learn more about these programs or download our program request form.

24-Hour Sexual, Dating and Domestic Violence Helpline: (410) 997-2272



9770 Patuxent Woods Dr., Suite 300

Columbia, MD, 21046

(410) 997-0304