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“HopeWorks & Friends” to Relaunch this September!
Since 2002 movies based on comics have dominated the box office, but almost every single hero depicted has been a white male. Graphic Novels are a medium that truly allows an artist to put their vision to the page and show the world what it is they want the audience to experience.
In the first series of books we read, we explored one of the oldest lesbian characters in the medium, Batwoman, and the first Muslim character to be the lead in a Marvel Comic, Ms. Marvel. This year we hope to explore even more characters that give a unique view of the world, and allow people to tell these beautiful stories.
Every week, we aim to break stereotypes and empower people to experience a story, and to tell their own.
Stories give us a glimpse into the the inner-workings of the human spirit, its pitfalls and potential
-Sana Amanat, co-creator of Ms. Marvel
Update: This article originally stated that HopeWorks & Friends would be relaunching as a book club in August, instead it will be relaunching as a celebration of underrepresented communities in entertaining in September!
Written by Community Engagement Coordinator Dominic G.
You can reach Dominic at!
The views expressed in this article are solely the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of HopeWorks of Howard County.